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Department of Psychology

McGill University

2001 McGill College Avenue

Room 1477, 14th floor



(514) 398-7626

Interested in Joining Our Team?

We are often looking for volunteers to assist with various aspects of our research, from helping run studies to assisting with data entry and coding. It's a great way to gain firsthand insight into the research being done in our lab! Volunteers are expected to commit to 5 hours per week for a period of at least 6 months (provided the lab is running at peak activity). 
To apply to become a volunteer, please download and complete the Volunteer Application Form, and send it along with your CV and unofficial transcript to our lab email:

Please note that we are currently at volunteer capacity for the 2024-2025 school year! 

Dr. Jennifer Bartz supervises undergraduate honours theses (e.g., PSYC 380, PSYC 496/497, PSYC 498) as well as undergraduate research projects (PSYC 450, PSYC 494). If you are interested in completing an undergraduate research project in our lab, please send an email expressing your interest, along with your CV, unofficial transcript, and the course you are registered in to our lab email: with a cc to

Please note that we will be accepting honours students for the 2024-2025 school year! 

Interested applicants should consult the psychology graduate program at McGill University for further information about admission requirements and deadlines. Students are also encouraged to apply for external funding (e.g., SSHRC, CIHR, FQRSC, FRSQ). 

Students interested in pursuing graduate studies should contact Dr. Jennifer Bartz directly at and cc

Dr. Bartz is looking to take on a graduate student for the 2024-2025 school year.
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